Parallax Art Fair, Kensington Hall, London, UK

This weekend I participated in the Parallax Art fair in London. It was my first experience participating in this show, and my first time being in London. I purchased a musicians traveling case and brought 11 pieces to the show. It had a projected turnout of 10-16,000 visitors, and around 300 participating artists. Among the artists was a one-woman show by Setsuko Ono.

Local Media were there making their rounds interviewed artists. The venue was packed from the start! I shared a booth with a Swedish painter who also worked in abstract acrylics. It was a tight squeeze with the amount of foot traffic, but I'm happy that so many people were able to stop, look, and ask questions. The art fair was a great excuse to cross the pond, and I would like to return again later in 2018. Pictured below include artists Brian Kelvin (digital art), Sue Haskel (Mixed Media & Collage), Jen Morrow (watercolor) and others.